The first man to rule the world

Praise be to Allah. Namrud was the king of Shinar, the son of Cush, and the great-grandson of Prophet Nuh (Noah). Modern Man are all derived from Noah’s s three sons, after the flood Allah decided the progeny of mankind to continue from the family of Noah only as metioned in the Quran and Genesis 10 (historical document in itself). This source aligns with Genesis 10:6-10. Cush descended from Ham, Cush bore Nimrod, and Nimrod founded Babylon and Accadians (both of which are in the ancient near east).

This is important because Abraham came from Chaldea which was located in Babylonia, so technically Abraham fell under a national, Cushitic construct before God set him on the epic journey the Book of Genesis details. Noah’s second son Ham had 4 sons and settled in North Africa and his first son Cush settled in the land of Sudan (literal; land of the black) and are the first Nation to be established in history (explained in the table of Nations). Cush then had 6 children and the youngest one, Nimrod later migrated to Mesopotamia (the cradle of civilization).

He intended to burn the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) on the pyre, but failed because Allah made the fire cool. His daughter Sara later married Ibrahim. He was deified and ordered the construction of a tower in Babil for an attack on the sky itself. The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon, Uruk, Akkad and Kalneh, in Shinar. He made a false claim of being God. He would cruelly treat the one who did not acknowledge him as God and would also get him murdered.

Some days after the incident in which prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was put into the fire, a severe famine struck, and grain (food ration and drinks) ran out. People would go to the court of Namrud and would request grain from him. In return, Namrud would make them acknowledge him as God. The one who would acknowledge him as God would get grain and the one who would not acknowledge [him as God] would return empty-handed. Abraham also went to Namrud for getting grain.

Namrud asked: Who is your Lord? He replied: My Lord is the One who resurrects [the dead] and gives death. Having heard this, Namrud said: I also possess this power. Having said this, he ordered that two prisoners be brought. He released one of them and got the other one killed. Having noticed this stupidity of Namrud, Abraham said: My Lord causes the sun to rise in the east. If you are God, so make the sun rise in the west! Having heard this, Namrud got astonished and could not answer to it. After a little while, in order to overcome his embarrassment, he said: I do not have grain. Go! Go to your Lord and ask for grain.

He left the court of Namrud and went to his home. On the way, he saw a mound of sand. He filled a bag with the same sand from the mound and took it to his home in order to please his family members and slept. Just see the glory of Allah Almighty! When his wife Sarah opened the bag, she found it full of grain. She made loaves of bread immediately and awakened him. Having seen them, he said: From where have you got these? She humbly replied: These have been made from the same grain which you had brought in the bag. He realized that the sand had turned to grain by [the command of] Allah Almighty. He thanked Allah Almighty.

On the other hand, Allah Almighty sent an angel to Namrood in the form of a human. The angel said: Your God says: You believe in Me, I will sustain your kingdom. Namrood said: “Which God? Only I am God.” The angel repeated what he said second time and then third time, but Namrood refused every time. As a result of this defiance of Namrood, the army of mosquitoes was inflicted by the command of Allah Almighty upon the army of Namrood. The army of mosquitoes ate the flesh of all the people of the army and sucked their blood completely, leaving only their bones.

The mosquitoes were so huge in number that the sunlight could not be seen. Namrood could only see this horrific scene, but do nothing. Afterwards, by the command of Allah Almighty, a mosquito entered the brain of Namrood through his nose and started eating it. The intensity of the pain drove Namrood mad and he started getting his head beaten with a thick stick. Glory be to Allah Almighty! When his head was beaten with a thick stick, the mosquito would stop biting, but when his head was not beaten with a thick stick, it would start biting.

Namrood was in a disgraceful situation. The person who would slap his head hard would be called his sympathizer. Four hundred years passed in the same situation, i.e. his head was beaten with a thick stick and slapped hard. Finally, Namrood died in disgrace.

This story reminds us of the narration of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in which he said: “If you rely on Allah with due reliance, Allah will provide for you as He does for the birds; they leave with empty stomachs in the morning and return full at dusk.” In this story is a sign of Allah's power in which He removed the tyrant Namrud by one of the weakest creatures, the mosquito.

There is also another benefit in that Namrud didn't believe even when an angel called him to believe, this is an important point to reflect upon as many non-Muslims ask why doesn't an angel appear before me if your religion is true?. We say that even if an angel appeared before you, if your heart is sealed like Namruds then you still won't believe.


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